
The Greco-Muslim philosophy is neither compatible with Islam nor science – Grand Ayatollah Ishaq Fayadh


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As for as philosophy inspired from mysticism is concerned, it has no foundations. Their idea of mysticism is of revealing hidden secrets. This philosophy claims to unveil the truth and know the unseen. Whoever claims so has actually gone against the Quran. Allah has revealed that no one except his chosen messengers can know the unseen. [72:26-27] Anyone who claims to have a secret knowledge of hidden world is a liar. He has discredited the Quran.

As long as the theoretical aspects of Greco-Muslim philosophy are concerned, those can be classified into Physics and Metaphysics (general Greek theology). Greek Physics has become obsolete and gone to the winds. Science has revolutionised in present age. It has reached the peaks of discovery and exploration.

The physics part of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is nothing but pure imagination and illusions. It has no value. As far as its metaphysics is concerned, it has two categories: the core theology and the general theory.

The general theory covers concepts like existence, substance and accident. It is clear that lectures on principles of jurisprudence discuss these in depth. Those lectures have more details, although these discussions are scattered in different chapters. But these discussions in books on Muslim philosophy have remained stuck with outdated ideas, without any evolution or major improvement.

As far as the theology part is concerned, philosophers are stuck in troubles from which they have no escape. It is because they see God as the complete cause of everything. It raises problems that they can’t solve.

How can the relationship of cause and effect be established between transient things and the eternal? Secondly, the effect should be compatible with the cause. Cause and effect cannot be incommensurable. The emanation of such effect would be impossible. So if Allah is complete cause of things, there should be an existential correlation between Him and the things. ([42:11] There is nothing like Him. لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِہِ شَيْءٌ ) Because effect represents a level of existence of the cause, emanates from the cause and isn’t in contrast. It is impossible for the cause to be eternal when effect is transient.

Therefore the greco-muslim philosophy seeks refuge in vain imaginations and illusions. So they mentally constructed the ten intellects, the longitudinal and lateral intellects, the extended existence (copied from Proclus), unity of being, etc.

All of this is pure imaginations and illusions, with no objective truth. (Following Plotinus) they believe that the creation emanates from Allah in succeeding stages. This is complete nonsense.

Therefore, the theology part of philosophy is nothing but myths and fantasies, with fluid interpretations. On top of all this, these ideas can result in deviation from the core concepts of Faith. This becomes evident in the discussions on free will and predestination.

Topics discussed in theology are foundations of Faith. In religion, these concepts have definite meanings. Therefore, there is no space for speculative reasoning. We cannot apply deduction to derive an article of Faith.

There is no place of ‘ijtihad’ in definitive and necessary matters of religion. ‘Ijtihad’ even has no place in fixed matters of practical jurisprudence. Here, the relation of the common believer to the ‘source of emulation’ is not that of a follower.

At this point I conclude commentary on this matter. May Allah bless you all with healthy, happy and long life and grant you ability to serve humanity and faith.

See also: The seduction of philosophers and mystics – Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani

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