Was Ibn Arabi a devotee of Ahlulbayt (PBUT)? – Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Sadiq Rouhani
Question: What is opinion of your Eminence regarding the path of Ibn Arabi? Was he a devotee of Ahlulbayt or not?
Answer: In the name of the most Exalted; Ibn Arabi in his book Futuhat al-Makkiyyah considers himself dispensed with the knowledge of Imam of the time, (1) and introduces God as exactly all things, (2) and maintains that people like Muawiyah and al-Mutawakkil were guides in both apparent and hidden worlds, (3) and allows himself to test the monotheism of Prophets and fails them, (4) and in a world of spiritual disclosure and revelation, shows Shias as pigs, (5) and other nonsense like that leaves no room for questions about his path. (6)
See also: Handwritten verdict of Grand Ayatullah Sistani about Ibn Arabi